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Advice and answers from Axrail Commerce Team.
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How do I receive payments?We support payment gateway integration via Online Bank Transfer or e-Wallet. This way, you get to keep all your hard-earned money.
How does Axrail Commerce help small businesses succeed?At Axrail Commerce, we are passionate about supporting start-ups and small businesses grow. We offer more than just a platform to build your shop; rather, we help you plan for long-term success. With a larger customer base and an increase in sales, advanced features such as multistore sync and loyalty programmes can help accelerate your success even further. We are ready to fulfil your evolving needs as your business grows. Our flexible pricing model caters to all different budgets, so that we can be by your side every step of the way.
What is Axrail Commerce and how does it work?Axrail Commerce is an all-in-one platform to help you manage and grow your business. With Axrail Commerce, you can: Build your online shop with ease. Sell on multiple platforms, including websites, social media, brick-and-mortar locations and more. Easily manage inventory, orders, shipping, and customers all in one place. Use advanced consumer insights to develop your marketing strategy. Our platform is hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS), the most secure and high-speed cloud platform for e-commerce. It is how we keep up with a fast-paced business like yours, consistently providing you excellent service.
Is Axrail Commerce really free?Absolutely! Our basic model is completely free and will continue to stay free no matter how long you use it for. It is perfect for small businesses! Try risk-free today. If you decide to take your business further, you can upgrade to our Premium and Max plans. Choose from a range of powerful tools to help unlock the full potential of your growing business. Our customisable pricing system means you only pay for the features you need, and nothing else.
Why should I create my own website?Because it makes running your business so much easier! Fully-automated platforms help lighten your day-to-day work, so you will never have to manually count inventory or create invoices ever again. Besides, it does so much more: Establish brand presence and identity. Promote products and support marketing campaigns. Increase customer reach and improve customer service. Provide consumer insights to support business planning. Setting up your online shop is easier and more affordable than you think. With Axrail Commerce, 10 minutes is all it takes.
Do I need to know coding to use Axrail Commerce?No, you do not need any technical skills to use Axrail Commerce. We have built our platform to be easy-to-use and completely foolproof. All you need is a computer with an internet connection – and voila!
Why choose Axrail Commerce?We make setting up your online shop a fast and pain-free process. Simply sign up to gain access to your very own, personal admin portal. Start by listing your products, connecting your sales channels, and your shop is ready! Jump straight into managing your orders and promoting your products. Excellent customer experience, delivered.
Who is Axrail commerce delivery partner?We are connected to over 20 courier delivery partners. You can visit
Who is Axrail commerce payment gateway partner?Currently, we have eGHL payment gateway and manual payment integration on Axrail Commerce.
Will there be any extra charges is Axrail commerce set up the whole admin portal for me?Yes, there would be extra charges as a service fee for our team to set up the Axrail commerce admin portal for you.
How much is the delivery fee?Although the delivery fee may vary depending on the courier delivery services and the location distance, you may expect the delivery fee as low as RM 4.
How many features are there in Axrail Commerce?We have 6 major features on Axrail Commerce, you can visit
How much is the onboarding or set up fees?There is no set up fees. You will need to pay according to which plan you subscribed to.
Can I change the users details?You can talk to our Live Customer Service agent to assist you on changing the users' details.
Is it compulsory for me to purchase the custom domain?You are not required to purchase the custom domain. You can opt to use the free Axrail Commerce domain.
What do I need to provide to sign up?You will only need to fill in the fields for you to sign up. No SSM, no proof needed.
Can I upgrade my package?Yes, you can upgrade your plan. Just log in and go to my account to upgrade your plan.
How much do I need to pay for the custom domain and configuration?You will only need to pay RM 100 per year for each domain.
Is there any apps integration in Axrail Commerce?We do not have any app integration on our Axrail Commerce. All the features in Axrail Commerce solely developed by Axrail Commerce.
Is there any free trial?We offer the Free Tier plan where you can sign up without any payment.
Who owns the data/content/subscribers?Once you have onboard with us, Axrail Commerce indicate that you are agree to abide by Axrail Commerce's Terms of Services and Privacy Policy.
How can I pay for subscription?You can pay for the plan subscription with credit card or Online Banking.
Can I unsubscribe my plan anytime I want?Yes, you can unsubscribe your plan anytime you like. Click on the Cancel Subscription button on your profile page at Admin Portal?
I forgot my password, how can I change my password?You may reach out to Axrail Commerce team to retrieve your password.
Is Axrail commerce subscription in monthly or yearly?Our subscription would be monthly basis.
can I get refund for my paid plan?We practice a strict NO refund policy.
What does Axrail Commerce have in the admin portal?We have 6 major features on Axrail Commerce, you can visit
How many sales channel(s) I can connect to Axrail commerce?Once you have onboard with us, you can integrate and sync to many sales channel such as Facebook, Instagram and more. Visit
What is Axrail Commerce?Axrail Commerce is a one-stop e-commerce platform where you can sell your products easily, manage transactions securely, gain insights from your transactions through advanced analytics. You can visit our Axrail Commerce at for more information 😊
What can i do with Axrail Commerce Platform?We help you to increase your online business productivity by managing your products and orders from various sales channel in a single Admin Portal. With this, you can also manage a better operation time and save headcount cost too.
How to sign up?You can click on the Sign Up button on the homepage, and follow the flow.
What are the sales channels that can be sync and link into Axrail Commerce?As of now, we have Online Store and Facebook Live as our sales channel that could be integrated. Stay tuned for more upcoming features and sales channel!
What's is the pricing plan?We have 3 plans as below. Lite Plan: You can choose for Lite plan with no cost. Pro Plan: You can choose for Pro plan at only RM 38 per month. Max Plan: You can choose for Pro plan at only RM 248 per month. When you are subscribing to Pro plan, you can opt to add additional module which not included on Pro plan at only RM 28 per module. For Pro and Max plan, you can add on Autopilot feature at only RM 150 per flow.
Can I cancel my plan at any time?Yes, you can cancel your subscription anytime. However, there will be no refund once you have subscribed to the plan.
Will there be a guidance on how to use the admin portal?Yes, we provide you Axrail Commerce handbook which has been structured by module to eases you to further explanation on Admin Portal.
Will there be any extra charges if i want to upgrade my features in the admin portal?Yes, there would be an extra cost, which is vary depending on each customized feature itself.
Is there anyone that I can talk to if I'm having difficulties?You can click on the chatbot widget and request for an agent so that our team can respond to you.
Is there any hidden fees?There will be no hidden or extra fees you need to pay. You will only pay for the plan and eGHL payment gateway fees.
Is there any demo on how Axrail commerce works?Yes, you can request a demo from our Axrail Commerce team to showcase our Admin Portal.
Any one will guide me through onboarding?There will be a help center document and video of each module available for you to refer after your sign up with us.
Can I track my customers' order?Yes, you can track your customers' orders once your customers order under the [To Ship] & [Shipping] order listing tab. Click on the Orders on the main navigation menu and select either [To Ship] or [Shipping] order listing tab. Click on any order & you can find the tracking URL section. Click on the link and you will be directed to the tracking page.
How long does it takes for the customers to receive their refund money?Depending on what payment method customers used to pay for the order. If the customer is using FPX Online Banking method, the refund will be done on the customers' respective bank account via FPX Online Banking. The refund will be done according to each payment method as shown below. E-wallet, online banking: 3-5 days Credit card, Debit card: 7-21 days For more details, you can refer to eGHL website at
Can I keep track on my customers refund status?Yes, you can track your customers refund status at the Refund/Return order listing page. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu > Return/Refund Orders on the main navigation menu > choose any order > scroll to Timeline section to track refund process.
Can I choose which delivery partner I want to use?We partner with EasyParcel, hence you can configure your preferred delivery partner from EasyParcel Panel List. Go to Settings > Delivery > Parcel delivery section > tick "Activate third party courier delivery option" box. Once the box turns blue, you can choose Primary and Secondary preferred partner for your Standard delivery.
How can I assign my own delivery partner?1. Go to Settings > Delivery > Parcel Delivery > tick "Activate my own transport delivery option" box. 2. Click [Add Zone] to create your own shipping zone and click [Save] button. 3. Click [Configure Rates] to create different shipping fees for each shipping zone and click [Save] button.
Can I print the airway bill?Yes, you can print the airway bill. The scenario in [To Pack] order listing tab:- 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu > click [To Pack] order listing tab > choose any order to proceed for fulfillment. 2. Click on the [Fulfill] button. 3. The [Airway Bill is requesting] button will appear on the screen, wait until the button change to the [Print Airway Bill] button. 4. Once the button has changed, click on the [Print Airway Bill] button. 5. The Airway Bill will appear on another window tab. 6. Click on [Print] icon > configure printer destination and printing format > click [Print] button. The scenario in [To Ship] order listing tab:- 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu > click [To Ship] order listing tab > choose any order to proceed for shipping 2. Click on the [Print Airway Bill] button. 3. The Airway Bill will appear on another window tab. 4. Click on [Print] icon > configure printer destination and printing format > click [Print] button.
Can I select the order time frame?Yes, you can select the order time frame. 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu. 2. Click on the [More Filter] button & go to the dates and choose any order time frame you want to view.
What will happen if the rider cancels the order?The system will automatically transfer the order and move it back to [To Ship] order listing tab page and change to Order Fulfilled status.
Can I filter the order numbers, the dates and the sales origin?Yes, you can filter the order numbers, the dates, and the sales origin. 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu. 2. Click on the [More Filter] button & apply certain selections as desired based on the order numbers, the dates, and the sales origin.
Is there any hidden charges for different types of delivery partners?No, there will be no hidden charges for different types of delivery partner. We will only charge shipping fees that is returned from EasyParcel.
Can I look for my customers by their name or order number?Yes, you can look for your customers by their name or order number. 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu and click on the [Filter Orders] text box 2. Key in your customer's name or your customer's order number on that text box.
Am I able to partially fulfill my orders if my item is out of stock?Our system automatically stops customers from purchasing the existing "out of stock" item. Nevertheless, you have two options if you don't wish to proceed to fulfill the order. Option 1:- You can proceed with order cancellation which will cancel the order and trigger a full refund. Click on the Orders on the main navigation menu and select the [To Pack] Order listing tab. Click any order you don't wish to fulfill and click the [Cancel] button. Fill in the required information and click the [Cancel Order] button. Note that this cancellation affects the whole order, especially if the order comes with multiple items. Option 2:- You can proceed with partial order fulfillment. It will immediately process a partial refund for the unfulfilled item. Click on the Orders on the main navigation menu and select the [To Pack] Order listing tab. Click any order you wish to partially fulfill and click the [Fulfill] button. Key in the item quantity you want to partial fulfill and click the [Fulfill] button afterward.
Can I set up an On-Demand delivery?Yes, you can set up an On-Demand delivery by clicking on Settings > Delivery > click on the "Activate the On-Demand Delivery" box to enable On-Demand delivery.
How can I print packing slip?Scenario in [To Pack] order listing tab :- 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu > click [To Pack] order listing tab > choose any order for printing its packing slip. 2. Click on [Print Invoice] button and the Packing Slips page pop up will appear. 3. Click [Print] button and default printing pop up will appear. 4. Configure printer destination and printing format > click [Print] button.
Can I select my preferred delivery partner?Yes, you can select my preferred delivery partner for the Standard delivery option. Go to Settings > Delivery > Parcel delivery section > tick ""Activate third party courier delivery option"" box. Once the box turns blue, you can choose Primary and Secondary preferred partner for your Standard delivery.
What sort of on-demand delivery options does AXRAIL Commerce integrate with?As of now, Axrail Commerce integrates with Lalamove for On-Demand delivery.
Will I be able to do a refund for my customers?Yes, you are able to proceed to refund a partially fulfilled order or fully completed order. The scenario in [To Pack] order listing tab:- 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu > click [To Pack] order listing tab > choose any order for a refund. 2. Click on the [Cancel] button and type Cancel on the text box to proceed with the full refund. The scenario in [To Ship] order listing tab:- 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu > click [To Ship] order listing tab > choose any order for a refund 2. Click on the [Refund] button and fill in the required information on the Refund pop-up. 3. You can modify the refund quantity or refund amount you want to process for either a partial refund or full refund, depending on your agreement with your customer. 4. Click on the [Refund] button to process the refund to your customer. Scenario in [Completed] order listing tab:- 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu > click [Completed] order listing tab > choose any order for a refund 2. Click on the [Refund] button and fill in the required information on the Refund pop-up. 3. You can modify the refund quantity or refund amount you want to process for either a partial refund or full refund, depending on your agreement with your customer. 4. Click on the [Refund] button to process the refund to your customer. The scenario in [Partial Completed] order listing tab:- 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu > click [Partial Completed] order listing tab > choose any order for a refund 2. Click on the [Refund] button and fill in the required information on the Refund pop-up. 3. You can modify the refund quantity or refund amount you want to process for either a partial refund or full refund, depending on your agreement with your customer. 4. Click on the [Refund] button to process the refund to your customer.
Can I use my own transport to do the delivery?Yes, you can use your own transport delivery if you do not wish to use neither Standard nor On-Demand third party courier services. 1. Go to Settings > Delivery > Parcel Delivery > tick "Activate my own transport delivery option" box. 2. Click [Add Zone] to create your own shipping zone and click [Save] button. 3. Click [Configure Rates] to create different shipping fees for each shipping zone and click [Save] button.
If the courier loses the item will they pay us back for the goods?It will depends on the courier policy. We would recommend you to deal directly with the courier service party that manages your order delivery for compensation. For example, if the assigned courier for the lost item is J&T Express, you can visit to J&T Express website and communicate with their agent via Chatbot or other customer service medium.
I use a different commerce platform before i sign up with AXRAIL Commerce. How can I transfer all my previous orders into the admin portal?Unfortunately, we are not able to process order listing import from previous platforms to our Admin Portal.
Can I do order fulfillment?Yes, you can do order fulfillment. You can opt to fulfill your customers' orders individually by clicking any order on the [To Pack] order listing tab and clicking the [Fulfill] button. In order to fasten your fulfillment process with multiple orders, we would recommend you to use bulk order selection for bulk order fulfillment. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu > click [To Pack] order listing tab > tick box for each order to select multiple order > click [More Action] button > click [Fulfillment] option. Once you have clicked the [Fulfill] or [Fulfillment] button, the order will be directed to the [To Ship] order listing tab.
Can I make a refund to my customers and how am I able to process the refund?Yes, you can proceed with the refund automatically in the Order details page. The scenario in [To Pack] order listing tab:- 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu > click [To Pack] order listing tab > choose any order for a refund 2. Click on the [Cancel] button and type Cancel on the text box to proceed with the full refund. The scenario in [To Ship] order listing tab:- 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu > click [To Ship] order listing tab > choose any order for a refund 2. Click on the [Refund] button and fill in the required information on the Refund pop-up. 3. You can modify the refund quantity or refund amount you want to process for either a partial refund or full refund, depending on your agreement with your customer. 4. Click on the [Refund] button to process the refund to your customer. Scenario in [Completed] order listing tab:- 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu > click [Completed] order listing tab > choose any order for a refund 2. Click on the [Refund] button and fill in the required information on the Refund pop-up. 3. You can modify the refund quantity or refund amount you want to process for either a partial refund or full refund, depending on your agreement with your customer. 4. Click on the [Refund] button to process the refund to your customer. The scenario in [Partial Completed] order listing tab:- 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu > click [Partial Completed] order listing tab > choose any order for a refund 2. Click on the [Refund] button and fill in the required information on the Refund pop-up. 3. You can modify the refund quantity or refund amount you want to process for either a partial refund or full refund, depending on your agreement with your customer. 4. Click on the [Refund] button to process the refund to your customer.
How can I fulfill my orders in bulk?You may do so by going to Orders on the main navigation menu > click [To Pack] order listing tab, multiple select the orders you want to bulk fulfill and click [More Action] button > select Fulfillment option. You can find your selected orders under the [To Ship] order listing tab.
Can I print invoice?Yes, you can print the invoice. The scenario in [To Pack] order listing tab:- 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu > click [To Pack] order listing tab > choose any order for printing its invoice. 2. Click on the [Print Invoice] button and the Invoice page pop-up will appear. 3. Click the [Print] button and the default printing pop-up will appear. 4. Configure printer destination and printing format > click the [Print] button. The scenario in [To Ship] order listing tab:- 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu > click [To Ship] order listing tab > choose any order for printing its invoice. 2. Click on the [More Action] button > click [Print Invoice] button and the Invoice page pop up will appear. 3. Click the [Print] button and the default printing pop-up will appear. 4. Configure printer destination and printing format > click the [Print] button. The scenario in [Shipping] order listing tab:- 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu > click [Shipping] order listing tab > choose any order for printing its invoice. 2. Click on the [More Action] button > click the [Print Invoice] button and the Invoice page pop up will appear. 3. Click the [Print] button and a default printing pop-up will appear. 4. Configure printer destination and printing format > click the [Print] button. The scenario in [Completed] order listing tab:- 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu > click [Completed] order listing tab > choose any order for printing its invoice. 2. Click on the [More Action] button > click the [Print Invoice] button and the Invoice page pop-up will appear. 3. Click the [Print] button and the default printing pop-up will appear. 4. Configure printer destination and printing format > click the [Print] button. The scenario in [Partial Completed] order listing tab:- 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu > click [Partial Completed] order listing tab > choose any order for printing its invoice. 2. Click on the [More Action] button > click [Print Invoice] button and the Invoice page pop up will appear. 3. Click the [Print] button and the default printing pop-up will appear. 4. Configure printer destination and printing format > click the [Print] button.
Can I send my customers an email reminder if they have pending items in the checkout cart?Yes, you can send your customer a pending checkout reminder email. 1. Go to Order on the main navigation page and click on Pending Checkout. 2. Choose one or multiple pending checkouts you'd like to send reminders to the customers. 3. Click the [More Action] button and select the "Send reminder" option. 4. You will be displayed with the pending checkout template pop-up. Feel free to edit the template and click the [Save Template] button to remain the changes you made for the next pending checkout reminder cycle. Click the [Send] button.
What is the radius for On-Demand delivery?8 km radius is the maximum radius allowed for On-Demand delivery.
How long does it takes for an On-Demand delivery rider to pick up the item?On-Demand Delivery will be executed under Lalamove, hence it depends on Lalamove rider availability. Our Axrail Commerce backend will help you to call Lalamove rider. The assigned Lalamove rider name and phone number will be displayed on the Order Timeline. 1. Go to the Orders on the main navigation menu and click for the particular order that is assigned under Lalamove as a delivery partner. 2. Scroll down to the Timeline section and you will be able to monitor the delivery process.
Can I request a rider for On-Demand delivery?Yes, you can request a rider for an On-Demand delivery order. 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation menu and click the [To Ship] order listing tab. 2. Click on the [More Filter] button, click Delivery Mode, and choose Lalamove. 3. Click on the particular order. 4. Click the [Request Rider] button 5. The rider name and phone number will appear on that order Timeline on the order details page.
Can I track the whole journey of my customer's order?Yes, you can track the whole journey of my customer's order. You can go to Orders on the main navigation menu > choose any order > scroll down to the Timeline section to track the whole process of your order. You may also click on Tracking URL on that order details page to view the delivery process.
From the order listing page can I see which sales channels the orders are from?Yes, you are able to view Orders on the main navigation menu from different sales channels. You can click on Orders on the main navigation menu & you can find it under Sales Channel column on order listings. All Order listing tabs will have similar order listings that has a Sales Channel column.
Can I import my order list from Excel to the order listing page?Unfortunately, we are not able to process order listing imports from Excel to our Admin Portal.
Where does the order go when the item is unfulfilled?The item will remain on [To Pack] order tab.
what happens to promo code/voucher applied when the particular order is refunded?Promo code will not reflect back once it is used, although the refund is completed. The refund will follow the total customer paid for the order.
Can I set the amount of delivery charges?As for Standard Delivery & On-Demand delivery, the delivery charges is set up automatically by EasyParcel. However, you can set up your own delivery charges by clicking the box to Activate my own transport delivery option.
Can I set what type of email I want to send to my customers?Yes, you can configure and create the email template from Notifications under Settings. Go to Settings > Notification. From there you can customize the type of email that you want to send to your customers for each purpose.
Who are AXRAIL Commerce's delivery partners?We have partnered with EasyParcel. You can refer to this link for the list of courier services available in EasyParcel.
If the customers want to return the order, what are the steps?It is optional in between both merchant & customers, depending on both parties agreement. The customer will need to reach out directly to you for order return process manually.
Am I able to download/export all my orders listed in the system?Yes, you can export the order listings by clicking on [Export] button & choose to download the file in Comma-Separated Values (CSV) format. 1. Go to Orders on the main navigation page. 2. Click on the [Export] button. On the Export pop-up page, click choose to export all orders or export current search result. 3. Click on the [Export] button and the file will be downloaded in your Downloads folder on your computer.
How do I check customer's last order?1. Go to Customers on the main navigation page. 2. Click any customer row > go to Customer Orders section. 3. The first order row on that section would be the customer's last order.
What are the steps for customers to sign up as a member?1. Go to Online Store website. 2. Click on [Person] icon. 3. Click on "Create Account" hyperlink. 4. Fill in required information on Create Account Page such as First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Email, Password. 5. Click [Create] button and customer need to check on their email inbox to get One-Time Password (OTP). 6. Insert the OTP code on the verification pop up and click [Validate] button.
What happens if my previous customer sign up with a new email address?Our system will count the new email address as a new registered customer.
Can I know how many items has my customer purchase from my store?You cannot track the amount of items customers have purchased from your store.
How do I do customer grouping?You may do so by creating new tags for customer labelling. 1. Go to Customers on the main navigation page. 2. Click any customer and go to Tags section. 3. Key in any character or new label as desired and click [Save] button. 4. You should be able to view the label from Tags column on customer listing page.
Can I send a pending checkout reminder to the customers?1. Go to Order on the main navigation page and click on Pending Checkout. 2. Choose one or multiple pending checkouts you want to send the reminder to the customers. 3. Click the [More Action] button and select the "Send reminder' option. 4. You will be displayed with the pending checkout template pop-up. Feel free to edit the template and click the [Save Template] button to remain the changes you made for the next pending checkout reminder cycle. Click [Send] button.
How can I view customers orders?1. Go to Customers on the main navigation page. 2. Click any customer row > go to Customer Orders section. 3. Choose any order number from Order column and you will be directed to Order Details page.
How do I check my customer's wishlist?1. Go to Customers on the main navigation page. 2. Click any customer row > scroll down to Customer wishlist section 3. You should find customer's wishlist on Customer wishlist section.
How can I contact my customers?You may reach out to your customers via their email address and phone number in their customers information. 1. Go to Customers on the main navigation page 2. Click any customer and you should find their email address and phone number on Customer Overview section.
How can I import/export my list of customers?Steps to import the customer's list:- 1.Go to Customers on the main navigation page and click on [Import] button. 2.Click "download the CSV template" hyperlink to get the template. You may fill in the customer on that template and save the file as CSV format file. 3. Drop the saved customer template file from the computer folder and click [Import] button. Steps to export the products 1.Go to Customers on the main navigation page and click on [Export] button. 2. Choose to export all products or export current search result. You have the option to export the product listings in CSV or Microsoft Excel format. 3.Click Export button and the file will be downloaded in your Downloads folder in your computer.
Are all my customers in the listing page from my website or from other sales channel?All your customers in the customer listing page not only coming from registering Online Store website, but also from different sales channel you have integrate in your Admin Portal such as Facebook, Instagram, Shopee, Lazada, etc.
How do I edit my customer's information from the listing page?You cannot edit your own customer's information. However, registered customers can update their information on their profile page via Online Store website.
Can I delete my customer detail in the customer listing page?You are not able to delete your customer details on the customer listing page.
Can I check the total customers in my customer listing page?You can go to Customers on the main navigation page and click on the box on the header title, you can identify total registered customer based on all selected customers.
How do I know If there is a new registered customer?Our system constantly updating new incoming registered customers on your customer listing page.
How do I check my customer's purchase history?1. Go to Customers on the main navigation page. 2. Click any customer row > go to Customer Orders section. 3. Click "View all orders" hyperlink and you will be directed to customer's order history page.
Can I send a promocode to all my customers at once?Yes, you can send a promocode to your customers. Note that this is only valid for your registered customers on Online Store website. 1. Go to Promotion on the main navigation menu and choose Promo Code. 2. Click on any existing Promo Code or [New] button to create new Promo Code. 3. On Summary section, click "Share Promo Code" hyperlink and select the box on header title row. 4. Click [Next] button and you will be displayed to customer verification. Click [Next] button again. 5. You will be displayed with Share promo code email template. You may modify your template content as desired. 6. Click [Send] button.
How do I check customer's total spent?1. Go to Customers on the main navigation page. 2. Click any customer row > go to Customer Details section. 3. You can check customer's total spending from Total spent to date.
If my customer did not sign up on my website, will I still get their information?You will not be able to get their information on your customer page.
How can I set up membership tiering for the customers?1. Go to Settings > Member. 2. On Membership Tiering section, you can click [Add Tier] button to set up membership tiering.
What is in the Customers listing page?Customer's listing page will include their Full Name and Last Name, gender, the number of transactions, their spending amount, and tagging.
How do I create a promo code?1. Go to Promotions on the main navigation menu > click Promo Code. 2. Click [New] button to create a new promo code. 3. Choose one of the Promo code category by clicking on one of the tab. 4. Fill in required information and also set up own conditions and usage limit as desired. 5. Click [Save] button to save the changes. 6. The new promo code can be viewed on Promo code listing page.
What is the steps to set up the facebook live campaign?Note: To set up a Facebook Live Campaign, make sure you have connected to your Facebook page on Sales Channel > Facebook Live. 1. Go to Sales Channel in main navigation menu and click on Facebook Live. 2. Click [Connect] button and log in your Facebook account credential. Choose one Facebook page that you would like to use for Facebook Live. After you have clicked [Next] button, make sure you have turned the blue switch for all rows as shown in image. *show FB setup image 3. Click [Done] button and your Facebook account has been connected to the Admin Portal. 4. Navigate to Promotions in the main navigation menu and click on FB Live Campaign. 5. Click on [New Campaign] button and fill in all information on that page, you may verify details are correct in the Summary section. 6. Click [Save] button once all the required information has been filled in. 7. Now, you can start your own Facebook Live on your Facebook page according to the scheduled date and time.
Can I limit the type of customers that can use the promo code?1. Go to Promotions on the main navigation menu > click Promo Code. 2. Click the [New] button to create a new promo code. 3. Go to the Condition section. 4. Click on the drop-down box on "Customer Eligibility" and select the "Specific customers" option. 5. Click [Add Customer] box and choose any customer group based on Tags and click the [Update] button. 6. Click the [Save] button once all required information has been filled in.
What happened if the customer type in the product hotkey that is out of stock item during the Facebook Live?The system will send the "When item is out of stock" automated response on the customers' Facebook Messenger.
Can I start the facebook live earlier than the scheduled timing?Yes, you can start the Facebook Live earlier than the scheduled time.
How do I check the status of the promo code if its still on going?1. Go to Promotions on the main navigation menu > click Promo Code. 2. Click on [Ongoing] status tab and from there, you will able to see ongoing promo code listings.
Can I manually change facebook live status?You cannot manually change the Facebook Live Campaign status. The status will follow according to the ongoing Facebook Live on the Facebook page.
Will It affect my website if I disabled the promo code?Your disabled promo code can no longer be applied on the website checkout page.
Where can I set up the automated messages that will appear in the customer's facebook messanger once they type in the Hotkey?You can set up those messages on Facebook Live under Sales Channel module. 1. Go to Sales Channel in the main navigation menu and click on Facebook Live. 2. Scroll down to Facebook automated responses section. You will be given three different types of responses message. 3. Feel free to edit the message content as desired and click [Save] button on right below of the page.
Can I limit the number of the usage per promocode?Yes, you can limit the number of usage per promo code. 1. Go to Promotions on the main navigation menu > click Promo Code. 2. Click [New] button to create a new promo code. 3. Go to the Usage Limits section and tick on "Max number of uses per user" box. 4. Feel free to edit on the text box below any amount as desired and click [Save] button once all required information has filled in.
Can I adjust the product inventory or pricing during the facebook live?Yes, you are able to adjust the product inventory during the Facebook Live. 1. Go to Promotions in the main navigation menu and click on FB Live Campaign. 2. Click on the 'Running' campaign status of FB Live campaign. 3. On the FB Live Campaign page, you will notice there is the plus (+) button on each balance quantity for each product. Click on that button and edit the amount, however you cannot decrease the amount from the current amount. 4. Click the [Save] button on the balance quantity you have edited. This steps does not applied for adjusting the product pricing during the Facebook Live.
Can I search for my previous Facebook live campaign?You are able to search for previous Facebook Live Campaign by either using the Filter Campaign search box or the More Filter button. Filter Products search box:- 1. Go to Promotions in the main navigation menu and click on FB Live Campaign. 2. Click on the Filter Campaign search box. You may use it to search products based on the FB Live Campaign titile name. More Filter button:- 1. Go to Promotions in the main navigation menu and click on FB Live Campaign. 2. Click on the More Filter button on the right side, just in between Filter Products search box and Save Filter button. You may select and choose whichever applicable based on campaign title name, campaign status and scheduled date.
How can I insert the products that I want to sell in the Facebook Live campaign?Note: Make sure you have connected to your Facebook page on Sales Channel > Facebook Live before you create Facebook Live Campaign. 1. Go to Promotions in the main navigation menu and click on FB Live Campaign. 2. Click on the [New Campaign] button. 3. Scroll down to the Product section and click the [Browse] button. Choose any product with a certain variant you want to include, this is also applicable for the product bundle too. 4. Click the [Save] button once all the required information has been filled in.
What will happen when a customer type in the product hotkey during the live, but didn't proceed to checkout?The product that customer reserved on the Facebook Live will remain on the cart page for the next 48 hours. After 48 hours, the products will no longer visible on the cart page.
Can I set up a different pricing from actual selling price for a product on Facebook Live campaign creation?Yes, you can set up a different pricing from actual selling price for a product on Facebook Live campaign creation 1. Go to Sales Channel in main navigation menu and click on Facebook Live. 2. Click [Connect] button and log in your Facebook account credential. Choose one Facebook page that you would like to use for Facebook Live. After you have clicked [Next] button, make sure you have turned the blue switch for all rows as shown in image. *show FB setup image 3. Click [Done] button and your Facebook account has been connected to the Admin Portal. 4. Navigate to Promotions in the main navigation menu and click on FB Live Campaign. 5. Click on [New Campaign] button and fill in all information on that page, you may verify details are correct in the Summary section. 6. On Products section, click on the "Browse" hyperlink, select whichever the individual product or the product bundle you want to include for Facebook Live and click [Update] button. Once the selected products appear on that Product section, click on the text box on the pricing column to edit different pricing for each product. 7. Click [Save] button once all the required information has been filled in.
Do I have to come out my own promo code title or is there already a title for it?You will need to come up with your own Promo code title.
How soon I restart the fb live campaign?Although somehow, your Facebook Live got interrupted, the same FB Live Campaign will be linked when you restart the Facebook Live as soon as possible.
Do I need to have a facebook page to set up the Facebook live?Yes, you will need to create a Facebook page in order to set up a Facebook Live. Scenario for creating new Facebook page (you can skip step #1 and #2 if you have existing Facebook page) 1. On Google Search, search and go to Facebook. Click Pages on the main navigation menu. 2. On the left side, click [Create New Page] and follow according instructions on that page. 3. Go to Admin Portal page and click on the Sales Channel page and select Facebook Live. 4. Click the [Connect account] button and there will be a prompt will appear. 5. Log in to your Facebook account on the prompt. After that, you need to choose the Facebook page you want to make Facebook Live on and click the [Next] button. 6. Ensure that you have enable all the requirement rows on that next prompt and click the [Done] button. 7. The prompt will disappear and the selected Facebook page should have appear on Facebook Page section.
Where can I create a hotkey? and Is there any condition to create one?Note: Make sure you are connected to your Facebook page on Sales Channel > Facebook Live before you create Facebook Live Campaign. You can create a hotkey at Product section on FB Live Campaign creation page. 1. Go to Promotions in the main navigation menu and click on FB Live Campaign. 2. Click on the [New Campaign] button. 3. Scroll down to the Product section and click the [Browse] button. Choose any product with a certain variant you want to include, this is also applicable for the product bundle too. 4. Once you have chosen the products, click on the text box on the HotKey column corresponding to each product and key in as desired. Although there arenone rules on creating one, we recommend you to create a short and simple hotkey to ease your customer to type for purchase. 5. Click the [Save] button once all the required information has been filled in.
Is it possible if I set the promo code years or months earlier?Yes, it is possible to create an advanced scheduled promo code based on the desired starting date for that promo code.
What does the customers have to do when they want to purchase the product from the live?Customers will need to type in [Product Hotkey]+1 on the comment section of the Facebook Live. Eg. the Product Hotkey for Mineral Water Bottle is BOTTLE. Customers will need to key in BOTTLE+1 to purchase 1 unit of Mineral Water Bottle. Customers can also purchase more than 1 unit by type in [Product Hotkey]+[number] on the comment section of the Facebook Live. Eg. the Product Hotkey for Mineral Water Bottle is BOTTLE. Customers will need to key in BOTTLE+5 to purchase 5 units of Mineral Water Bottle.
What kind of promo code I can generate to my website?There are 4 Promo code category which is Percentage, Fixed Amount, Delivery and Buy X Get Y. Scenario to create Percentage discount Promo Code; 1. Go to Promotions on the main navigation menu > click Promo Code. 2. Click [New] button to create a new promo code. 3. Choose Percentage Promo Code category tab. 4. Fill in required information and input the number on Discount Value and Discount Limit (cannot leave at zero).You also set up own conditions and usage limit as desire 5. Click [Save] button to save the changes. 6. The new Percentage Promo Code can be viewed on Promo code listing page. Scenario to create Fixed Amount discount Promo Code; 1. Go to Promotions on the main navigation menu > click Promo Code. 2. Click [New] button to create a new promo code. 3. Choose Fixed Amount Promo Code category tab. 4. Fill in required information and Discount Value.. You also set up own conditions and usage limit as desired. 5. Click [Save] button to save the changes. 6. The new Fixed Amount Promo Code can be viewed on Promo code listing page. Scenario to create Delivery Promo Code; 1. Go to Promotions on the main navigation menu > click Promo Code. 2. Click [New] button to create a new promo code. 3. Choose Delivery Promo Code category tab. 4. Fill in required information and you can also set up own conditions and usage limit as desired. 5. Click [Save] button to save the changes. 6. The new Delivery Promo Code can be viewed on Promo code listing page. Scenario to create Buy X Get Y Promo Code; 1. Go to Promotions on the main navigation menu > click Promo Code. 2. Click [New] button to create a new promo code. 3. Choose Delivery Promo Code category tab. 4. Fill in required information and scroll to Promotion section. You will need to select which item you would like to offer promotion as Y and you can also determine whether X represents the whole products in your store or you can choose selected individual product or product bundle. You can also set up own conditions and usage limit as desired. 5. Click [Save] button to save the changes. 6. The new Buy X Get Y Promo Code can be viewed on Promo code listing page.
How do I edit the terms and condition and the detail of the promocode?Once the Promo code has been created and goes live, you are not able to edit the terms and conditions and the detail of any existing promo code.
Can I change the promo code status from active to inactive?1. Go to Promotions on the main navigation menu > click Promo Code. 2. Click any existing promo code. 3. Go to Status and click on [Active] drop down box. 4. Click [Inactive] and click [Save] button. 5. Now your promo code has been disable and your customer will no longer able to use that promo code while its in [Inactive] status.
Can the promo code be applied to all sales channels?The promo code can only be applied to Online Store.
How do I set up the start and end date for the promo code?1. Go to Promotions on the main navigation menu > click Promo Code. 2. Click [New] button to create a new promo code. 3. Go to Promo code Availability section and click "Edit" hyperlink. 4. Click on the "Require end date" box to enable end date and time. 5. Set up any end date and time as desired and click [Update] button to save the changes. 6. Click [Save] button once all required information has filled in and the new scheduled promo code can be viewed on Promo code listing page.
How can I set the promo code terms & condition?1. Go to Promotions on the main navigation menu > click Promo Code. 2. Click [New] button to create a new promo code. 3. Go to the Condition section. 4. Click on both drop-down boxes on "Minimum requirements" and "Customer Eligibility" and choose any options as desired. 5. Click [Save] button once all required information has filled in.
How can I schedule the Facebook live campaign in advance?Note: Make sure you have connected to your Facebook page on Sales Channel > Facebook Live before you create Facebook Live Campaign. 1. Go to Promotions in the main navigation menu and click on FB Live Campaign. 2. Click on [New Campaign] button. 3. Schedule accordingly FB Live Schedule section, you may verify details are correct in the Summary section. 4. Click [Save] button once all the required information has been filled in.
What will happen when the facebook live disconnected?The FB Live Campaign will change its status from "Running" to "Stopped" status.
How many promocode I can make?You can feel free to create as many promo code as you like!
Does Axrail commerce audit trail?Yes, you are able to audit trail on existing Promo code page. 1. Go to Promotions on the main navigation menu > click Promo Code. 2. Click any existing promo code. 3. Go to Last Changes section to see the time and date the last changes happened.
How can I set up the campaign title?This needed to be done when you set up Facebook Live on your Facebook page. 1. On the Facebook main news feed page, click on the Menu icon and select Pages. Choose your Facebook page to go to your Facebook admin page. 2. Click on the [Live] button on Create section. On the Create live video page, you can choose either Go Live or Create Live Video Event video type to start off creating your Facebook Live Video settings. 3. If you choose Go Live type, follow the setup instructions accordingly and on Add post details, type the title name on Title text box along with the Description text box. 4. If you choose Create Live Video Event video type, follow the setup instructions accordingly and type the title name on Event Name text box. 5. Once succesfully created, the Title or Event Name should have appear on the top screen of the ongoing Facebook Live video.
Where do I check my Facebook live campaign status?Go to Promotions in the main navigation menu and click on FB Live Campaign. From there, you should be able to see on Campaign Status column on FB Live Campaign listings.
Does the selling quantity that I set up in facebook live campaign will automatically deduct the from inventory?Yes, the involved product inventory on Facebook Live will automatically be deducted from the inventory page on temporary during the Facebook Live ongoing. Once the Facebook Live Campaign has ended, the unsold stock of the products will return back to the inventory.
What is a product hotkey?Product hotkey can be defined as a product code your customer will input to reserve the product that is available during the Facebook Live.
Can I schedule the Facebook Live campaign?Note: Make sure you have connected to your Facebook page on Sales Channel > Facebook Live before you create Facebook Live Campaign. 1. Go to Promotions in the main navigation menu and click on FB Live Campaign. 2. Click on [New Campaign] button. 3. Schedule accordingly FB Live Schedule section, you may verify details are correct in the Summary section. 4. Click [Save] button once all the required information has been filled in.
What is the customer's flow for Facebook Live?1. Customers will only need to click on the Facebook Live video you have created. 2. Once you have push the comment for the products you want to sell to the customer, the customers will need to type in the product hotkey on the comment section. (Eg. BOTTLE+1) to reserve the product. 3. An automated response will appear on the customers' Facebook Messenger with the [Check Cart] button. 4. Customers will need to click the [Check Cart] button to proceed for payment at the checkout page. 5. Once customers successfully paid the product(s), the new order will appear on your Orders Admin Portal page under Facebook Live sales channel.
How can I set up a product bundle on facebook live campaign?Note: To set up a Facebook Live Campaign, make sure you have connected to your Facebook page on Sales Channel > Facebook Live. 1. Go to Sales Channel in main navigation menu and click on Facebook Live. 2. Click [Connect] button and log in your Facebook account credential. Choose one Facebook page that you would like to use for Facebook Live. After you have clicked [Next] button, make sure you have turned the blue switch for all rows as shown in image. *show FB setup image 3. Click [Done] button and your Facebook account has been connected to the Admin Portal. 4. Navigate to Promotions in the main navigation menu and click on FB Live Campaign. 5. Click on [New Campaign] button and fill in all information on that page, you may verify details are correct in the Summary section. 6. On Products section, click on the "Browse" hyperlink, click on the Product Bundle option and select whichever the product bundle you want to include for Facebook Live. 7. Click [Save] button once all the required information has been filled in. 8. Now, you can start your own Facebook Live on your Facebook page according to the scheduled date and time.
How can I push the comment into the facebook live ?1. Go to Promotions in the main navigation menu and click on FB Live Campaign. 2. Click on the 'Running' campaign status of FB Live campaign. 3. On the FB Live Campaign page, scroll to the Product section and click on the Comment icon to push the comment on the ongoing Facebook Live. 4. The comment should have appear as comment from the Facebook page on that ongoing Facebook Live.
can I add on new products on the Facebook Live Campaign during the running Facebook Live?Yes, you can add on new products on the Facebook Live Campaign during the running Facebook Live. 1. Go to Promotions in the main navigation menu and click on FB Live Campaign. 2. Click on the 'Running' campaign status of FB Live campaign. 3. On the FB Live Campaign page, click on the "Browse" hyperlink on the Product section. Choose the product and click the [Update] button. 4. Edit the quantity you want to sell and pricing you want to sell for the new added product. 5. Click the [Save] button on the balance quantity you have edited.
How can I set up a continuous promocode?1. Go to Promotions on the main navigation menu > click Promo Code. 2. Click [New] button to create a new promo code. 3. Go to Promo code Availability section and click "Edit" hyperlink. 4. You can feel free to edit on Start date and time, however you do not need to click on the "Require end date" box to enable end date and time. 5. Click [Update] button to save the changes. 6. Click [Save] button once all required information has filled in and the new promo code can be viewed on Promo code listing page.
How does the facebook live campaign can help with the selling process?Facebook Live Campaign helps you to ease your selling process in Facebook Live. Not only do you get to virtually interact with your customer, but you are also able to automize product selling with just one click on Admin Portal.
Where can I disable the promo code that I no longer want?1. Go to Promotions on the main navigation menu > click Promo Code. 2. Click any existing promo code. 3. Go to Status and click on [Active] drop down box. 4. Click [Inactive] and click [Save] button. 5. Now your promo code has been disable and your customer will no longer able to use that promo code while its in [Inactive] status.
Can I adjust the pricing of the products that I want to sell during the live?Yes, you can adjust the pricing of the products that you want to sell during the Facebook Live. Note: Make sure you have connected to your Facebook page on Sales Channel > Facebook Live before you create Facebook Live Campaign. 1. Go to Promotions in the main navigation menu and click on FB Live Campaign. 2. Click on the FB Live Campaign that has "Running" campaign status. 3. Scroll down to the Product section. 4. Click on the text box on the Price (MYR) column corresponding to the product you want edit and edit the pricing as desired. 5. Click the [Save] button once all the required information has been filled in.
Customers make purchase during Facebook live, how long does the product will be in the customer's cart?The products reserved by customers during the Facebook Live will appear on the customer's cart for 48 hours after the Facebook Live session ended. The products from Facebook Live will disappear after that 48 hours gap.
How will the customer be informed when the product is available when customer commented product hotkey?The customer will received a message on Facebook messenger to inform some of the product has been successfully added to the cart page and the system could not be added to the cart due to out of stock. Customer can click on the Check Cart button to proceed for order payment. The message content is based on Facebook automated response "When order is partially successful".
How do I set up the facebook live automated response and comment?Facebook automated comment and Facebook automated response have by default created on the Facebook Live page. You can modify the automated comment and response to make the content much more friendly. 1. Go to Sales Channel in main navigation menu and click on Facebook Live. 2. Scroll to Facebook automated comment section and click on the text box under Facebook Live Comment. Feel free to edit the content as desired. Note that you are recommended to not delete the variable {{product_name}} and {{hotkey}}, it will affect the product will not be able to be reserved since your customers not able to key in the {{hotkey}} variable, especially. You can click the [Save] button once you done amend this text box. 3. Scroll to Facebook automated response section and click on the text box under When order is successful. Feel free to edit the content as desired. Note that you are recommended to not delete the variable {{product_name}}, it will affect the product name not able to be displayed on Facebook messenger. You can click the [Save] button once you done amend this text box. 4. Scroll to Facebook automated response section and click on the text box under When order is partially successful. Feel free to edit the content as desired. Note that you are recommended to not delete the variable {{product_name}}, it will affect the product name not able to be displayed on Facebook messenger. You can click the [Save] button once you done amend this text box. 5. Scroll to Facebook automated response section and click on the text box under When item is out of stock. Feel free to edit the content as desired. Note that you are recommended to not delete the variable {{product_name}}, it will affect the product name not able to be displayed on Facebook messenger. You can click the [Save] button once you done amend this text box.
How can I create a facebook live video?Make sure you have register your Facebook Page you want to do Facebook Live on Admin Portal. 1. Go to Sales Channel in main navigation menu and click on Facebook Live. 2. Click [Connect] button and log in your Facebook account credential. Choose one Facebook page that you would like to use for Facebook Live. After you have clicked [Next] button, make sure you have turned the blue switch for all rows as shown in image. *show FB setup image 3. Click [Done] button and your Facebook page will be displayed under Facebook Page section that indicates the Facebook Live Campaign can be created and has been connected to the Admin Portal. If you would like to sell the products on Admin Portal via Facebook Live, you will need to create a new FB Live Campaign. 1. Navigate to Promotions in the main navigation menu and click on FB Live Campaign. 2. Click on [New Campaign] button and fill in all information on that page, you may verify details are correct in the Summary section. 3. Click [Save] button once all the required information has been filled in. Once you have completed on Admin Portal, here is how you can create a Facebook Live video. 1. Go to Facebook website and click Menu icon on top header. Choose Pages and click on the Facebook Page you want to create a Facebook Live video. 2. Click on the [Live] button on Create section. On the Create live video page, choose Go Live video type to start off creating your Facebook Live Video settings. 3. Follow the setup instructions accordingly and click [Go Live] button. 4. Now you are ready to host the Facebook Live video and interact with your audience.
How many facebook live I can do in a day?There is no limit on how many Facebook Live you can create daily as long as the Facebook Live video is started on according the Facebook Live Campaign schedule.
What If I was disconnected during my facebook live?You can restart your Facebook Live video again, As long as the Facebook Live Campaign is within 3 hours after the end date and time, the Facebook Live video will linked to the same Facebook Live Campaign.
Where do I go to after filling up all the information in the facebook live listing page?You can go ahead to FB Live Campaign under Promotions Module and create a new campaign. After that, you can start to create a new Facebook Live video on your Facebook page.
How will the customer be informed when the product is available when customer commented product hotkey?The customer will received a message on Facebook messenger to inform the product has been successfully added to the cart page. Customer can click on the Check Cart button to proceed for order payment. The message content is based on Facebook automated response "When order is successful".
How soon I can do a facebook live one after another?You can create another Facebook Live video as soon as it has ended. As long as the Facebook Live Campaign is within 3 hours after the end date and time, the Facebook Live video will linked to the same Facebook Live Campaign.
How will the customer be informed when the product has been out of stock when customer commented product hotkey?The customer will received a message on Facebook messenger to inform the product the customer wants to purchase has been out of stock. The message content is based on Facebook automated response "When item is out of stock".
How do I delete the facebook page from the Admin Portal?1. Go to Sales Channel in main navigation menu and click on Facebook Live. 2. On Facebook Page section, click the delete icon on the Facebook page row and type Delete to confirm the deletion. 3. The Facebook page will no longer be visible fon Facebook Page section
What are the steps that I need to do before I go live on facebook ?Note: To set up a Facebook Live Campaign, make sure you have connected to your Facebook page on Sales Channel > Facebook Live. 1. Go to Sales Channel in main navigation menu and click on Facebook Live. 2. Click [Connect] button and log in your Facebook account credential. Choose one Facebook page that you would like to use for Facebook Live. After you have clicked [Next] button, make sure you have turned the blue switch for all rows as shown in image. *show FB setup image 3. Click [Done] button and your Facebook account has been connected to the Admin Portal. 4. Navigate to Promotions in the main navigation menu and click on FB Live Campaign. 5. Click on [New Campaign] button and fill in all information on that page, you may verify details are correct in the Summary section. 6. Click [Save] button once all the required information has been filled in. 7. Now, you can start your own Facebook Live on your Facebook page according to the scheduled date and time.
How many facebook page I can connect to the facebook live listing page?You can connect to one Facebook page on Facebook Live page.
What is the customer's flow if they purchase an item during the facebook live?1. The customer will need to join the Facebook Live video and key in the product hotkey once you have push the comment for each product you sell on Facebook Live video. 2. There will be an automated response reply will be send to customer's inbox on Facebook Messenger. Customer will need to click the [Check Cart] button. 3. Customer can proceed for payment at the website Cart page.
Do I need a facebook page to do the live?Yes, you will need to have a Facebook page to do the Facebook Live Video and create the Facebook Live Campaign. 1. Go to Sales Channel in main navigation menu and click on Facebook Live. 2. Click [Connect] button and log in your Facebook account credential. Choose one Facebook page that you would like to use for Facebook Live. After you have clicked [Next] button, make sure you have turned the blue switch for all rows as shown in image. *show FB setup image 3. Click [Done] button and your Facebook account has been connected to the Admin Portal. 4. Navigate to Promotions in the main navigation menu and click on FB Live Campaign. 5. Click on [New Campaign] button and fill in all information on that page, you may verify details are correct in the Summary section. 6. Click [Save] button once all the required information has been filled in. 7. Now, you can start your own Facebook Live on your Facebook page according to the scheduled date and time.
How can I top up the delivery credits in the delivery setting page?1. Go to Settings on the main navigation menu and click on Delivery Credit box. 2. Click on the [Top up credits] button and a prompt will appear. 3. You can manually edit the amount on the text box or click any amount options below. 4. Click the [Pay] button and you will be leaded to the eGHL payment landing page. Choose which payment method you want to pay and fill in your payment method credential accordingly. 5. Once you have done with the payment, you will be directed again to the delivery credit pages and you should see the new topup transaction on the first row of the listings.
What are the functions of the files feature in the setting listing page?The files feature helps you to save the files that is associated with your Online Business. It also helps you in inserting the file name on the bulk import file for products.
What are in the setting listing page?You can configure and modify the General on Admin Portal, Payment Gateway, Legal, Files, Account, Notification, Member, Delivery and Delivery Credit.
How do I delete unwanted files from the files listing page?Scenario to delete files individually. 1. Go to Settings on the main navigation menu and click on Files box. 2. Click on the Delete icon on any existing file, a Delete prompt should appear. Type Delete on the text box and click the [Delete] button. 3. The deleted file should not appear on the files listings. Scenario to delete files by bulk. 1. Go to Settings on the main navigation menu and click on Files box. 2. Select a number of files by clicking on the box corresponding to each file. Click on [More Action] button and choose Delete. 3. When the Delete prompt appear, type Delete on the text box and click the [Delete] button. 4. The deleted files should not appear on the files listings.
How do I set up my warehouse information in the delivery setting page?1. Go to Settings on the main navigation menu and click on Delivery box. 2. On Setup Warehouse section, you need to fill in the Address accordingly to the fields. 3. Click the [Save] button on top right of the page to save the changes done.
What are the function of delivery credits?The Delivery credits functions in order to proceed with On-Demand and Standard delivery services. The shipping charges for each order will be deducted from this delivery credit.
How do I set up my online store's legals such as, the privacy policy, refund policy, terms of service policy and shipping policy?1. Go to Settings on the main navigation menu and click on Legal box. 2. There are 4 tabs available on this page, which is the privacy policy, refund policy, terms of service policy and shipping policy. You will need to click on each tab to create or edit the content. 3. Once you have done with the content, you will need to click the [Save] button to save the changes. 4. You can repeat the same steps for other Legals tab.
Are the notifications that were made in the notification settings are for other sales channels too or only for website?The notifications that were made in the notification settings are applied for sales channels that is using the Online Store checkout page, which include Online Store and Facebook Live sales channel.
How do I edit my general setting details?1. Go to Settings on the main navigation menu and click on the General box. 2. You can edit on the text box corresponding to the requirements on Merchant Details section accordingly. 3. Click the [Save] button once you have done with the modification.
Which sales channels will the delivery credits apply to?The Delivery credits applies for the sales channels that is using the Online Store website checkout page, which include Facebook Live and Online Store sales channels.
How do I get my service ID for the payment gateway configuration?You will need to subscribe to any eGHL plan either from the Axrail Commerce team or the eGHL team. Once your registration is completed, you should be receiving your Service ID and Service Password via email inbox from the eGHL team.
How can I deactivate one of the policies from my online store?1. Go to Settings on the main navigation menu and click on Legal box. 2. Click on either tab that you want to deactivate the policies. Click the Switch until it turns OFF in red colour. It indicates that the policy is no longer visible on the Footer section on the Online Store website. 3. Click the [Save] button to save the changes.
How can I send my customers order notification/ shipping notification/ customers notification to the customers?Those notifications will be send out automatically to customers.
How do I create my delivery setting?1. Go to Settings on the main navigation menu and click on Delivery box. 2. On Setup Warehouse section, you need to fill in the Address accordingly to the fields. 3. Click the [Save] button on top right of the page to save the changes done. On-Demand Delivery section. 1. On On-Demand Delivery section, you can choose to activate it by tick on the "Activate on-demand delivery option" box. If you tick the box, you may choose what kind of vehicle you want to use for the delivery to customer, depending on your product general dimension. 2. Click the [Save] button on top right of the page to save the changes done. On Parcel delivery section. 1. On Parcel delivery section, you can choose to activate it by tick on the "Activate third party courier delivery option" box. If you tick the box, you need to choose which courier will be Primary preferred partner and Secondary preferred partner. 2. On the same Parcel delivery section, you can choose to tick on the "Activate my own courier option" box. For this part, you will need to create your own shipping zone by clicking the [Add Zone] button. The Add Zone prompt will appear and you will need to fill in the required field. Click the [Save] button to generate the new Shipping zone. 3. The new shipping zone should appear on the first row of the listings. Click on the "Add Rates" hyperlink and a prompt will appear. 4. Fill in the required field on that prompt accordingly and Click the [Save] button to generate the new rates. 5. The new rates will appear below the shipping zone. 6. Click the [Save] button on top right of the page to save the changes done.
How can I upload a new file into the setting listing page?1. Go to Settings on the main navigation menu and click on Files box. 2. Click on the [Upload File] button, a prompt will appear for you to upload the file. Choose the image you wish to upload on the computer file and click the [Open] button. 3. The new file uploaded should have appeared on the first row of the files listings.
How can I set up an on demand delivery in the delivery setting page?1. Go to Settings on the main navigation menu and click on Delivery box. 2. On On-Demand Delivery section, you can choose to activate it by tick on the "Activate on-demand delivery option" box. If you tick the box, you may choose what kind of vehicle you want to use for the delivery to customer, depending on your product general dimension. 3. Click the [Save] button on top right of the page to save the changes done.
How can I set up parcel delivery in the delivery setting page?1. Go to Settings on the main navigation menu and click on Delivery box. On Parcel delivery section, you can choose to activate it by tick on the "Activate third party courier delivery option" box. If you tick the box, you need to choose which courier will be Primary preferred partner and Secondary preferred partner. 2. On the same Parcel delivery section, you can choose to tick on the "Activate my own courier option" box. For this part, you will need to create your own shipping zone by clicking the [Add Zone] button. The Add Zone prompt will appear and you will need to fill in the required field. Click the [Save] button to generate the new Shipping zone. 3. The new shipping zone should appear on the first row of the listings. Click on the "Add Rates" hyperlink and a prompt will appear. 4. Fill in the required field on that prompt accordingly and Click the [Save] button to generate the new rates. 5. The new rates will appear below the shipping zone. 6. Click the [Save] button on top right of the page to save the changes done.
How do I deactivate the notification message that I no longer need?1. Go to Settings on the main navigation menu and click on Notifications box. 2. Click and choose either Order, Shipping or Customer category on the left side. 3. Click on the switch icon on the scenario you want to disable until it turns to OFF in red colour.
How do I change the currency and tax percentage in the payment gateway listing page?1. Go to Settings on the main navigation menu and click on Payment Gateway box. 2. On Payment gateway configuration section, you can click on the dropdown box on Currency and change the current currency to another. You can also change the tax percentage by edit the new number on the text box corresponding to Tax. 3. Click the [Save] button once you have done with the changes.
How can I know if the notification has been send to the customers?You may tested out to purchase as a customers and have the notifications to be send out to the registered email address.
How to insert my eGHL credential on the payment gateway settings page?Once you have receive the email inbox from eGHL team, you will need to pay attention to these two details, which is MerchantID and Merchant Password. 1. Go to Settings on the main navigation menu and click on the Payment Gateway box. 2. Key in the MerchantID details on the Service ID field while Merchant Password on the Service Password field. 3. Fill in your brand or company name on the Company Name field as well. 4. Click the [Save] button once you have filled in those fields.
How can I edit the existing notification in the notification setting?1. Go to Settings on the main navigation menu and click on Notifications box. 2. Click and choose either Order, Shipping or Customer category on the left side. 3. Click on the Edit icon on the scenario you want to edit. 4. A template prompt will appear for you to edit the email subject and email body. You can also apply other variable accordingly on the fields. 5. Click on the [Save] button to save the changes.
What is payment gateway configuration?Payment gateway configuration is where you can configure your eGHL Service ID and Service Password that you receive from eGHL upon your registration.
How can I manage the delivery credits history?1. Go to Settings on the main navigation menu and click on Delivery Credit box. 2. Click on the [More] button and a prompt on the right side will appear. 3. You can choose to filter the delivery credit transactions listings based on the dates and action. 4. Click the [Apply] button and you will be directed to the new filtered listing page.
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